Licensing service for packaging


We, as a non profit organizationtake on all obligations you have as a producer, importer or packer under the Austrian Packaging Ordinance. Just sign a Compliance and License Agreement – and let us and our partners ensure the efficient and cost-effective collection, management and recovery of your packaging from business, industry and households.

Legal certainty

In line with all legal requirements

Non-profit rates

A win for our customers

Full support

The right expertise at your side


ARA is member-owned and the only collection and recovery scheme in Austria that has been a non-profit organisation from day one. It is our stated goal to provide you with packaging compliance services at the lowest sustainable cost. In addition, as our customer you benefit from the ongoing optimisation of our collection, sorting and recovery scheme and from our commitment to economic efficiency.

Committed to the true-cost principle

Our rates are calculated separately for the household and commercial schemes and for each rate category. The rates reflect the expenses the various packaging materials cause in the collection and recovery cycle. We pass on cost savings and unscheduled surpluses to our customers.

To download the list of our rates, browse our FAQs on the services we offer and take the fast track to ARA membership, go here. →


We offer legally compliant solutions that are tailored to your company’s needs. They cover the full range from an efficient approach to calculating the amount of packaging you place on the market to a convenient online data reporting system. Our account managers and the experts answering the ARA hotline provide excellent consulting services and make sure that queries are handled promptly throughout Austria.

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Weight calculation

Tailored to your needs

Determining the amount of packaging you place on the market is key to ensuring compliance. We assist you in developing a bespoke, compliant and efficient weight calculation solution for your company. We also support you with implementation, weighing and documentation. This helps you save valuable time and resources.

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Process checks

In search of the optimum

Our experts analyse the processes you have in place for classifying packaging and establishing the amount of packaging you place on the market in Austria. Then we come up with suggestions for improvement based on our findings. Ensuring legal compliance of your processes means you run a lower risk of incurring an administrative penalty.

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Audit coaching

Assistance for audits

We are there for you every step of the way when your company is audited by the Packaging Coordination Board (Verpackungskoordinierungsstelle – VKS). Just like tax consultants for a tax audit, our experts have in-depth knowledge of all relevant laws and regulations, so they can clear up any questions as soon as they arise and help you address any legitimate concerns the VKS may have.

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International compliance service

Advice for your business abroad

Your business is international? You export goods or have a place of business abroad? As part of the PRO Europe network we are in close coordination with Europe's leading packaging and packaging waste recovery and recycling systems. We are happy to provide guidance and, if necessary, connect you to the right contacts in your target markets. This allows you to minimise risk so you can focus on your core business.

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Online reporting

Fast, simple and legally certain.

The ARA online reporting system allows you to submit your packaging data via the Internet. Monthly, quarterly or annually, depending on the amount of packaging you place on the market. It’s fast and free of fuss.

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Legally binding declaration

Save time and ensure legal compliance.

The Connect online portal provides legal certainty at the push of a button: Under the Austrian Packaging Ordinance, the compliance status of packaging must be documented with legally binding declarations. Use the Connect portal to send declarations to your customers – it’s secure and hassle-free.

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Green Dot

A symbol of commitment

When you enter an ARA Compliance and License Agreement for the packaging you place on the market in Austria, you are entitled to use the dot symbol on this packaging. The symbol shows that you meet your producer responsibility obligations.

* ARAplus GmbH provides a contingent of selected services free of charge.


Meet your producer responsibility obligations by entering into a packaging compliance agreement with us. We are happy to provide advice and support you in choosing the right solutions.

Information and downloads

ARA packaging licensing rates

ARA’s rates are calculated separately for the household and commercial schemes and for each rate category. They reflect the expenses the various packaging materials cause in the collection and recovery cycle. In line with ARA’s non-profit status, we pass on cost savings and unscheduled surpluses to our customers.

List of rates 2025

List of rates 2024

List of rates 2023

Please note that certain types of single-use plastic packaging and products are subject to additional charges. We would like to point out that these cost reimbursements are NOT ARA licencing fees, but rather surcharges that all collection and recycling systems in Austria (SVS) must collect on behalf of and for the account of the Verpackungskoordinierungsstelle gemeinnützige GmbH (VKS).

You can find more information about the surcharges here (German only)

The currently applicable surcharges and cost reimbursements can be found here (German only)

ARA contract

Here you will find everything you need to know about your Compliance and License Agreement for packaging.

Contract request form (online)

ARA Fact sheets and guidelines

Classification of packaging from 2015 and GVM study

Requirements for single-use plastic products – Download

Reporting and classification of single-use plastic products – Download

Austrian Single-Use Plastics Labelling Ordinance (German) – Download

Reporting of plastic carrier bags (German) – Download

Changes to the classification of packaging vs. non-packaging – Download

Classification of packaging – Download

GVM guideline (German) – Download

GVM product group data sheets (German) – Download

GVM overview of correction rates (German) – Download

Ministry documents

Information about the Austrian Packaging Classification Ordinance (German) – Go to website

Information about the Single-use Plastics Directive (German) – Go to website

2016 amendment to the Packaging Classification Ordinance (German) – Download

ARA fact sheets

Deposit system for single-use beverage containers made of plastic or metal – Download

Beverage cartons (German) – Download

Envelopes and mailing bags (German) – Download

Packaging made of biodegradable materials – Download

Products made from recycled plastic packaging (German) – Download

Reminder service (German) – Download

Transport, sales, secondary and service packaging (German) – Download

VAT for foreign license partners (German) – Download

Gross to net method (German) – Download

Composite packaging – Download

Product groups (German) – Download

Black list

Black list – Download
(Packaging containing hazardous substances that cannot be covered by an ARA compliance agreement)


How to empty packaging (German) – Download

Legally binding declarations

Under the Austrian Packaging Ordinance, producers, importers and packers/fillers of packaging are required to inform their customers in advance of the compliance status of packaging, including a breakdown by rate category and the collection and recovery scheme used for each category.

This means you must provide compliance information to every one of your customers. And you have to obtain legally binding declarations from all suppliers who provide you with goods in packaging already covered by a compliance agreement.

This annual or quarterly procedure can be tedious. Use our declarations database to minimise the time and effort involved. You can access the declarations database through our Online Portal.

Fact sheet on the declarations database (PDF)

Quick guide on how to enter data (PDF, German)

Quick guide on how to retrieve data (PDF, German)

Video tutorial (German)

Templates for download:

Legally binding declarations from the calendar year 2023

Includes the field Authorised Representative which must be declared by Non-Austrian companies licencing goods and packaging for the Austrian market.

Declaration template for commercial packaging – Download

Declaration template for household packaging, supplier – Download

Declaration template for packaging as goods – Download

Declaration template for imported household and commercial packaging – Download

Calculation aids

For up-to-date calculation aids in German, please refer to the website of the Austrian Packaging Coordination Board (Verpackungskoordinierungsstelle).

ARA collection sites

Our success is in no small part due to the good cooperation with municipal and private waste management and recovery service providers.

A map and list of collection sites across Austria is available here

List of license partners

Compliance schemes are legally required to disclose who their members are.
This requirement ensures full transparency.

The license partner directory of VKS GmbH contains the full list of all system participants at austrian producer responsibility organisations.
Go to the directory

Frequently asked questions

Compliance and License Agreement

Our company is established outside Austria. Can we still become or remain an ARA license partner?

Yes. Businesses established in another country can also become ARA license partners. Please note that in this case, the responsibility for accounting for any VAT due typically falls on you (reverse charge).

Our company address/name or other company data have changed. How do I notify ARA of such changes?

Please go to the ARA Online Portal to edit your company data in the relevant input fields.

The compliance and license agreement does not contain information on your rates. How and when will I be notified of the rates?

Go to Information and downloads – Rates on this page to download the list of rates.

What is the flat-rate scheme?

If the amount of packaging you place on the market in a given year is no more than 1,500 kg of household packaging and no more than 1,500 kg of commercial packaging, you no longer have to submit packaging data reports. All you have to do is pay the flat-rate fee once a year. Please refer to the current list of rates.

How does the flat-rate scheme work?

On 1 January 2015, we introduced a flat-rate scheme for small amounts of packaging. It is available to those of our members who place no more than 1,500 kg of household and commercial packaging on the market in a given calendar year. If this applies to you, all you have to do is pay the flat-rate fee once a year. You will receive an invoice for the past year in January, and you are no longer required to submit packaging data to us.

I don’t want to use the flat-rate scheme. Can I still submit annual data reports?

Yes. Using the flat-rate scheme is optional. You can still submit annual data reports and specify the amount of packaging you place on the market in Austria in a given year. Should you choose to do so, you will be charged the minimum fee.

Where can I find ARA’s Terms and Conditions?

ARA’s Terms and Conditions can be downloaded here.

ARA online reporting

Do I have to use the online reporting system?

Yes. There is no alternative to using the ARA Online Portal.

We cannot use the online reporting system. What are the alternatives?

Under the Austrian Waste Management Act, ARA AG has only one week to process the data reports of all license partners. The deadline for submitting the data to the Austrian Environment Ministry is three weeks after the end of each calendar month. We can only meet this deadline if all license partners switch to online reporting, which allows faster processing. This is why there is no alternative to using the ARA Online Portal.

Will I receive an invoice?

Yes, you will receive an electronic invoice. Once we receive your packaging data via the ARA Online Portal, we will calculate the compliance fee and send you an electronic invoice. The procedure is somewhat different for users of the flat-rate scheme (see “How does the flat-rate scheme work?”).

Data submission and payment

What are the data submission and payment deadlines?

Data submission: In line with the amendment to the Austrian Waste Management Act, monthly and quarterly reporters have to submit their data already on the 15th day of the month immediately following the reporting period (month/quarter). In addition, they have to submit a year-end statement by 15 March of the following year.

Annual reporters have to submit data on the amount of packaging they actually place on the market (instead of projected data). The deadline is 15 January of the year immediately following the reporting period. No year-end statement is required.

Payment: Your payment is due on the 15th day of the second month following the reporting period. This means the deadline for submitting

  • monthly data for January is 15 February, and payment for that period is due on 15 March;
  • quarterly data for the first quarter is 15 April, and payment is due on 15 May;
  • annual data is 15 January, and payment is due on 15 February.

How can I determine the reporting period?

Annual data submission:
If your company’s projected annual fees for household and commercial packaging are each lower than € 1,500, you are an annual reporter.

Monthly data submission:
If your company’s projected annual fee for either household packaging or commercial packaging is higher than € 20,000, you are a monthly reporter.

Quarterly data submission:
In all other cases, you belong to the group of quarterly reporters.

Small packaging producers:
If you place no more than 1,500 kg of household and commercial packaging on the market in a given year, you will receive an invoice for the past year in January, and you are no longer required to submit packaging data to us.

I would like to change the reporting period (e.g. from quarterly to annually). Is that possible?

Please use the appropriate reporting period. The threshold values for monthly, quarterly and annual data reports are laid down in the Austrian Packaging Ordinance.

Is the minimum fee added to the regular fee?

That depends on the amount reported for a given year. If the calculated fee for that year falls below the minimum fee level, you will have to pay the minimum fee as per your electronic invoice. If the calculated fee is higher than that, the minimum fee is not added. For instance, the compliance fee based on your annual data report is EUR 30, and the minimum fee is EUR 90. You will have to pay your calculated fee and the EUR 60 balance against the minimum fee (plus VAT).