Closing loops together.
What can
Make sure they meet their producer responsibility obligations. Design recyclable packaging and products. Use recycling material. Optimise waste stream and material flow management.
What can
Shop smarter. Avoid waste. Act sustainably, even after shopping: Sort packaging, e-waste and batteries for recycling and use the right bin to recycle. For a sustainable world.
What we do for businesses.
The number one for packaging, e-waste and batteries We take on all obligations you have as a producer under the Austrian Packaging Ordinance, WEEE Ordinance and Batteries Ordinance. Together with our partners, we ensure that your packaging is collected, sorted and reprocessed. Efficiently and at a fair cost.
What ARA's Role is.
A leading voice and pioneer in circular economy research and knowledge exchange, we stand for security, innovation and sustainability.
Your circular economy experts
ARA has helped shape the transition to a sustainable economy in Austria since 1993. As an innovation leader, we help you keep abreast of the latest developments in this field. Efficient resource management is our way of tackling climate change and creating new value chains for business and industry. We are about so much more than packaging collection and recycling.
Legal compliance guaranteed
Circular economy thinktank
Responsibility for Austria
What we do for Society.
We contribute to tackling climate change by ensuring that as much packaging as possible is recycled. Consumers benefit from a convenient collection infrastructure, comprehensive information on how to sort their waste and awareness campaigns. We are all part of the circle – and we need to get better at it for the sake of the environment.